Mar 31, 2008

Not so bad after all.....

I've not really been in the mood for Spring Break......I could do with quiet days with the kids in school to be quite honest! Instead of chaos with extra kids around. But actually the day turned out to be quite fun after all!

Laurie slept over at his friends house last night! They picked him up at 4:30 yesterday for a movie night and supper at their place and then he called to ask to sleep over. We picked him and his friend up at lunch time today and then we all went in to the mall and had lunch there.

Chris went off and met his friend Matt and they went to a movie. Laurie and his friend Chris went off shopping and had lunch. I wasn't hungry, so I bought lunch for the girls and Sam, and then we did some shopping for Susie. She's now wearing age 12 jeans!!! They are my height!!! (sadly not my waist size lol) Then we got her shoes and she's a size 4....

Heather!!! I bought The Secret Life of Bees!!! Then I sat in the library and started reading it while Sam played with the train and the children chose books and used the computers.....

Today was really my only quiet day of the week and I had originally planned to be at home until Susie announced her pants and shoes were all too tight! This she announces all of a sudden this weekend! So now she has a few things to get her through the week until we go further afield to get her some clothes.....SP doesn't have many stores but I am not going further afield with ALL the kids lol.....

OK off to bed :) night night!

Mar 30, 2008

More articles from back home....Julie Ridley

And some articles by a wonderful friend of mine that sadly I am no longer in touch with - she was my role model when I first started as a homeschooler/ unschooler and I really looked up to her - spent many many wonderful days at her house with her amazing family...she got me interested in astrology and La Leche League too!!! :)

I believe Julie Ridley eventually ended up Chairing Education Otherwise and campaigning for home education rights in the UK!! Well done Julie!!! :) She runs home birthing support groups over there too :)

An article by Moi!!!!

I wrote this article when I was homeschooling my three oldest children in the UK. My Son should have started school three weeks after his 4th birthday in England, where children start much earlier than here in Canada.

Still frozen...

The beaver pond by the campground at Astotin Lake is still frozen, but one of the beavers was out sunning himself on the lodge this afternoon. He lifted his head to say hi to Susie but by the time I had my camera ready he had gone back to you can only make out the furry bump amidst the sticks I'm afraid.....

I altered the colour/ exposure of the beaver lodge piccy because the exposure was so bad.

A sign of Springtime

Catkins...a sign of Spring.....

We took a drive out to Elk Island Park this afternoon and I just HAD to take a picture of these Pussywillow by the beaver ponds.

For Charlynn...

This is a picture of me eating my toe nails.....for Charlynn....

And no I don't eat my toe nails...but I could if I wanted to :) lol....Mmmm yummy!

Little guest!

Ladybug! Ladybug!
Fly away home.
Your house is on fire.
And your children all gone.

All except one,
And that's little Ann,
For she crept under
The frying pan.

We had a little visitor to our house this afternoon...our first Ladybug of the season.....its now enjoying the sunshine in the jungle that is our dining table :)

Mar 29, 2008

New blog!

So as not to fill up this blog with everything bee......(thinking bee....thinking bee) I have started a bee blog where I will post everything about keeping bees and starting my hive etc etc so if you want to follow along my new new apiculture hobby you can click on the link above :)

Behind in posting...

This morning Lloyd and I had to go over to the West End to pick out taps and sinks for the new kitchen. We've chosen a lovely chunky white apron sink (which is basically what they call a farmhouse sink). We also chose a white sink for the island. We've chosen taps for both those sinks and also a tap to go above the stove top - I think they call it a pan filler tap - it basically comes out of the wall and is just to fill saucepans :)

We also went to West Ed Mall for a while as I needed new underwear and some new jeans and clothes in SMALLERS SIZES!!!! Woohoo!!!!!!!! The girl in Reitmans said not to feel bad if the jeans don't fit in the smaller size because that rise is often cut smaller....but they DID fit :) and they are sooooo comfortable :) and they will even loosen up when they get worn :) she only had one pair left so I'm going to look in town to see if they have more.....Oh I love these tablets :)

This afternoon I have been reading up on bees again - my latest obsession! Lol! Lloyd printed off a free E-book on beekeeping for me from Penn State Uni. I've also been surfing Youtube and there are some amazing videos about beekping and bees in general....

On one of the videos it said that one beekeeper who keeps bees for a loving gets paid by a pumpkin farmer $27,000 to provide 12,000,000 bees to pollinate his crops for 6 weeks!!!! He requires each flower to be visited approximately 30 times!!!

So you need a lot of bees to make money with bees BUT as a farmer you need a lot of bees to visit your crops!!!


So thats my day :)

All in all it's been a good week. Date night was at OPM this week :) It was a fun evening - cheap night actually - we were in no hurry as we were just there to chat and be together - but they forgot to put my salmon on the grill and our server was too nervous to come and tell us so he got the manager to come and tell us - lol! He came and apologised and he said my dinner was on him!!! :) so that was nice :)

Really we wanted to go to Joeys Global but there was a 35 minute wait for a table and we couldn't be bothered to wait - whereas at OPM there was no wait. I'm never that impressed with the food there but then to me nothing ever compares to Joeys. We had a lovely evening though.

Wednesday we went swimming - that was fun....

We were out every day this week...can't think what else we were up to but it's been a busy week all round! Fun yet busy!

Thursday I was home for a while during the day - I signed Sam up for a preschool class that he starts next week and I signed both he and Abby up for some workshops in Edmonton at various facilities between now and the summer. I am so loving that Winter is over.

Oh and this week we ordered my hive - and my bees :) I'm 247th on the waiting list for bees but because I only want one package they say they are confident that I will get mine - I should find out for sure on Monday or so......I'm hopeful. I think Lloyd is excited now too - he's even talking about having two hives next year! He wants one at the front next year and one at the back!!!! Too funny!

Last night was online crop night at Scrappers Haven.....I scrapped one page of Abigail and added a little to my atc's - I've also signed up for another atc swap - this time I have to make atc's of my 'hottie'....I had to pick a hottie but I couldn't think of one...and then I had a revelation! I picked MATT GOSS!!!!!! My 'hottie' from when I was 16!!!!

Not sure what we are up to tomorrow - think we may take a drive out to Elk Island Park. Off to dish up dinner - lasagna with Rosemary and Olive Oil wedges :)

The Honey thoughts

Charlynn asked me what I thought about the bees disappearing. It's somthing I've been reading a lot about this week. I'm not quite sure what to think. On the one hand a lot of bee keepers seem to say that these things happen every few decades and bees always seem to come through and survive. their numbers dwindle and then they come back fighting and all is well again and they wouldn't have survived sor so many millions of years otherwise.

But I also think that they are up against a lot more these days. I don't think they are up against 'nature' this time. They are up against chemical warfare really instead.

The entomologists all seem to have various ideas of why bees are disappearing - apart from the diseases that is (I'm talking about colony collapse disorder rather than the diseases and parasites). Some say it is caused by the stress bees are under these days from being transported from State to State to pollinate crops. Some say its caused by pesticides like Neonicotinoids (same as nioctine - it breaks down the bees immune system, causes memory loss and damages their sense of navigatin. This has been banned in France after campaigning by French Beekeepers).

Many believe the bees lives follow our lives - that when our lives get stressed the bees lives get stressed :)

Many try to raise their bees in an organic way but when you think about it, you can only keep your hive in an organic manner - your bees don't stay on your own land - they fly off and take nectar from other peoples plants - so you can't say your bees are organic......they are taking their nectar and honey from the environemnt around can't keep them safe from the environment around us......sadly you ahve to hope the farmers and land owners around you don't use too many pesticides....

My bees won't be moved around much......They can feast on my dandelions and clover and my garden as much as they like. I plan to grow a bee garden and vegetables and MANY sunflowers for a late Summer feast. My neighbours all grow not much there for my bees to feast on but the odd dandelion and clover.....

As for Colony Collapse Disorder.....I don't know.....I hope they find an answer. The amount of bees really is astounding - this is MILLIONs of bees disappearing each year.......the price of ICE CREAM is going up already because of bees disappearing!!!! That really puts things into perspective!!! It's really amazing! And so watch videos on youtube of beekeepers crying because of loss of livestock :( Very sad.

Oh YES!!!!!!!!!

SEE!!!!! I am NOT the only person who feels this way about Bee Movie!!!! Oh THANK YOU!!!!!! Yay!!!!!! :)

And not just the UK...

Colony Collapse Disorder is destroying bee colonies across the North America - various reasons are given - from stress because of of beekeepers moving their colonies from State to State to pollinate crops, to various things within our environment. Who knows....

Mar 28, 2008


Lloyd went back to work on Tuesday :( boohoo.

Chris had the day off of school although we had to run in to school t pick up a recommendation from his drama teacher. He had his audition for Drama 10 at the high school he wants to attend downtown. He needs Drama 10 if he wants to get into the Directing program he wants to take.

We stopped off for lunch at McD's and the younger two had fun in the playground. Abby made friend with a bunch of girls in there and Chris and I hung out chatting.

Chris did well in his audition and won a place. He was also thrilled to find out an old girlfriend from his last school also has a place so he will know someone there when he starts in the Fall.

Laurie won a place on the school singles badminton team on Tuesday to - he has been trying out for three weeks so he is very proud :)

I'm sure other things happened Tuesday but I can't think what else happened :)

Playing catch up - Easter Monday.

The children played out on their quad bikes much of the day. I was extremely lazy and stayed in bed for was LOVELY :) soaked in the bath :)

In the afternoon we all went bowling which was so much fun! I am totally useless at bowling and poor Susannah has inherited my usless bowling genes - to the point that her three year old brother beat her!!! It was a great time though! After bowling we all went out for pizza and pasta and had the restaurant to ourselves :) It was a lovely way to end Lloyds week off!

Home and the kids got ready for school (showers/ lunches etc) and Lloyd and I re-potted all the tomato plants and pumpkins. They are now so big and we have run out of space so they have taken over the dining table! Lloyd and I will have to eat off of our laps for a while which we don't like at all but the plants must come first!

My Mom has told us that the plants grew so big because they didn't get enough light!!! So they grew tall to reach the light! So we learned what NOT to do next year! We started too early this year and we didn't give them enough light! I like this experimenting :) We're writing it all down in Lloyds gardening journal ready for next year and keeping it with the gardening Bible Jennifer sent us :)

Gardening is fun! I'm glad you tempted us to get started Jennifer!!!

So that was our Easter Monday and the last day of Lloyds week off :(

No more Honeybees in the UK.....

No more bees in the UK within 10 years? Could it happen? And could Colony Collapse Disorder happen there too? What would this mean to the environment in the UK?

If the UK lost its honey bees the countryside would face devastation, and that is exactly what beekeepers fear could happen.

Imagine a country lane. Hawthorn hedgerow on either side, clouds scudding overhead, apple blossom drifting gently by, the only noise the gentle hum of honey bees and the chirping of birds. What could be a more idyllic vision of British country life?

Then fast-forward 10 years.

The hedgerow is deteriorating, the birds are silent, the orchard is disappearing and the countryside is changed. Why? The hives are empty. Their once-buzzing occupants mysteriously vanished.

Thinking of you!

A friend (and blog reader) is in hospital today having day surgery and I just want to say I am thinking of I have been all week as I know how anxious she has been leading up to today!

Anyway - I know everything is going to go really well and before you know it you'll be all recovered and back to running after those beautiful girls of yours again :)

Thinking of you!

For my Mum and Dad.

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Author unknown...

On Wednesday my Mom and Dad said goodbye to their little cat Sammy. She had a severe heart attack. They have buried her at the top of their lovely garden over looking the fields...where they buried our dog Kelly. I'm sure they must be very upset as I know how attached they were to her - I haven't been able to speak to them yet although I've tried to phone a few times.

Sammy was kind of a stray kitten - a kitten from a local farm cat I think.....she was often walking around in their garden and they would feed her(my Dads a kind of sap where animals are concerned - kind of like us - he feeds all the wild animals too like the hedgehogs and foxes and badgers etc etc) they asked around if she belonged to anyone and when no none claimed her they kind of claimed her as theirs. Got all her vaccinations done etc etc. Sammys Mom would often come and visit her and sit with her in their garden for a while before heading back to the farm or wherever she came from......

I remember waking up a couple of mornings when we were staying there, to Sammy sitting on the floor beside my bed with her face an inch from mine - scared the hell out of me!!!!! lol! I guess she was probably trying to tell me to 'leave and take those noisy kids with you'!!!

Anyway, I know how upset I was when my cat Bailey died - I sat on the sofa and cried for three I just wanted to say I am thinking of my Mom and Dad this week.....hope you are ok - I have tried to call and I left a message.

Lots of love

Mar 23, 2008

Egg painting fun.....

Everyone got to paint eggs today.....mine broke :( Laurie made egg stuffed olives, hitlers, shreks and spongebobs....the girls got creative with wax and dipping the eggs in the dyes....Lloyd and Sam painted with normal paints...Chris....he spent ages getting all artistic....

Lloyds egg painting

Lloyd really got into the egg painting....he painted peep on his egg!

Growing like weeds!

Our pumpkins, tomatoes of all kinds (including the seeds taken from my favourite fresh tomatoes that I buy in Costco) melons, asparagus, broccoli, are all doing so well we are a little worried that we started too early.....what should we do???? we need to repot again. We are running out of space!!!!! We now have stools to put them on until we buy a house is too small!!!! Next year we will have more space thankfully! Lloyd is thinking of investing in a greenhouse lol! He is LOVING this! He is so excited! he thinks he's going to win the Smoky Lake Pumpkin contest :) Hahahahahahaha

And the asparagus that is growing is like teeny tiny baby asparagus - its like teeny tiny asparagus spears - like miniature penises......or whatever the plural of penis is!!!

Gardening frenzy :)

Our plants are doing really well and A helps to check on them and water them regularly!

Egg painting

Painting eggs on Easter Day is always so much fun :) Even Daddy joins in the fun :)

Egg hunt......

This afternoon we had an egg hunt outside.....I haven't sorted many of the pictures though.......we're going to have another egg hunt tomorrow....we normally do two - one on Easter Sunday and one on Easter Monday (in England the Monday is a Bank Holiday so its the traditional holiday for us) and it means the chocolate and the fun gets spread out longer. The children had fun hunting for eggs this afternoon today though - one of the good things about havng so much land is having plenty of space to hide colourful eggs :)

The girls and their eggs :)

Sams egg....

Susan tagged me!

Susan from 'Its my Blog' (click on the link to the right to check out her fabby blog!) tagged me - I have to think of ten weird habits or facts about me. Then I have to tag five people - so basically if you read my blog and have a blog and haven't done this tag then YOU ARE TAGGED - so do this tag or start a blog and do this tag :)

Ok here are my ten things:

1. I buy lipsticks now and then....and I sometimes even put lipstick on if we are going out somewhere special...I may even make it to the end of our driveway with the lipstick still on...but then I will have to take out a kleenex and WIPE THAT YUCKY STUFF OFF because I HATE the feel of lipstick...I hate lip gloss and lip balm too. I even hate it when Sam and Abby put lip balm on and then come and kiss me....they love to do ths - they put fruity lip balm on and then come to give me a big kiss and you just can't say no to that can you?????? but it's yucky because I hate that yucky coated feeling on my lips and I have to wipe it off straight away. But I still occasionally buy lipstick. And for some reason always in almost the very same colour. This horrid kind of cappuccino colour......

2. I love bubble baths - I use about half a bottle of bubble bath in one bath. I get through a LOT of bubble bath - I throw in half a bottle of bubble bath and I even add shampoo and liquid soap to the mix too.....The bubbles are often pouring over the sides by the time I get in....I love it...I just love bubbles. Half way through I tend to pour in more bubble bath when I add more hot water. I don't have baths to get clean - I shower to get clean - baths are for relaxing and they just aren't the same without bubbles - so even with Lush products I add bubble bath to make more bubbles...
Sam loves sharing a bath with me because he practically disappears under the bubbles :)

3. I have a thing about spiral bound notebooks.....I have a drawer full of them. I find them hard to resist. Lloyd knows this and often surprises me with them from work. Staples is like spiral bound notebook is Zellers at back-to-school time! The problem is that I rarely use them...I use the little ones but the big ones I rarely use because I don't like to spoil them. So I have this huge drawer full that I will use 'one day' but that day never seems to arrive.......they don't even have to be pretty or have special covers....but some of the ones Lloyd gets at work have these plastic pockets in the back that you can put things in - and wow those just make me go crazy :)

4. I can pop a ping pong ball out of my you-know-what :)

5. I quite like going to Home Depot now and then - sometimes they have interesting things to look at - but today I realised that six times in one week is JUST TOO MUCH and I very nearly LOST IT!!!!!! In the UK they have craft sections in Home Decor stores - they need to do that here - I could have been looking round the scrapbooking section while Lloyd was picking plumbing supplies!

6. My Venus is unaspected in my birth chart. This means:
You are cheerful, prepossessing, and primarily attuned to that which is pure, lovely, and of good report. You possess a childlike artlessness and naturalness, not because you are naive about what life is "really like," but because you have an uncompromising determination to enjoy yourself and to keep your spirits high, come what may. You know in your heart that life's rewards and pleasures are right there for the taking; you don't put a morass of complications (like feelings of guilt, shame, or lack of worth) in the path of your desires, but rather reach out unabashedly to take whatever you want from life without any need for coyness or pretense. You are open to receive from others (rather than impelled by a need to grab from them, as aspected Venus is) because you are moved by a genuine playfulness. You don't bog yourself down in tricky power manipulations since your only interest in other people is to feel good. If something isn't fun, or can't be made to be fun, then you don't much bother with it.

7. I have an addictive personality I'm sure. I love drugs. I love sleeping tablets - that woozy feeling when they start to kick alcohol before you start to feel ill. I am obsessional about things before I get bored too. I avoid commitment because I know I get bored easily. I love the obsessional part but once I get over that stage I know I will get bored very easily and won't be interested in the slightest. The only way to keep my interest is if the results are instantaneous. I guess thats why Lloyd and my blog have survived the test of time lol! Sometimes a fresh way of looking at something revives an old interest.....or I have to be cajoled into it...or the change of season pushes me into seeing it with new eyes again....

8. I don't see the point of the parents evenings at school/ meet the teacher nights or whatever they call them here. I think they are a waste of time. I hate them. Its this week and I probably won't bother going and the teachers will probably think we are shitty parents - in fact I KNOW they have asked my Son why we don't go (he told her I was scared I'd be struck by lightening when I walk in the door because I'm Atheist) I think schools suck to be honest. Most teachers piss me off. There have been very few of my childrens teachers that I have actually liked. Most of them have had attitude that I just couldn't STAND!!!!!

9. I make lists about everything...but not shopping lists. I very rarely make shopping lists - and when I do I forget to take them. But I do make lists about things I want to do - plans I have for Summer, letters I want to write to people, things I want to blog, crafts to do with the children, books to read, facts to remember, questions to answer, websites to check out.......

10. I am not very good at remembering things. I am terribly unorganized - hopeless to be honest! I really should have a calendar or diary..but I'm not organized enough to have one! But I am VERY good at remembering to put the enzymes down the toilet each week for the septic system :) and a good job too because Lloyd would NEVER remember :) He never remembers to de-clog the salt from the distiller!!! I am the enzyme Queen :) But yuck - enzymes smell like fish :(

Mar 22, 2008

When the bees arrive.....

This is kind of neat to watch as it shows what happens when your package of bees to get them into the hive and how to settle your Queen...

Anyway...I thought some of you might be interested to see what happens and what is involved....

Lloyd is still keen for me to get my hive this year but I'm not sure.....I think he may call them on Tuesday to see if we still have time to order them this year......I guess I really should get my act together and go chat up my neighbours - I have to notify all neighbours whose land touches mine and tell them I'm going to have a hive......I'm sure they won't mind unless they have a bee allergy in the family.....I know Mary is an avid gardener so perhaps she will be thrilled to have bees to help her plants....everyone else though I'm not so sure. I plan to print out some facts on bees to let them now what bees are really like - so many people get the confused with wasps.....I need to get a permit from the county too and need to register with Alberta but that can be done with the people we're ordering from so thats easy.....apart from that we just order......

Hhhmmmmm what to do...what to do??????

Work together.....

Learn from the bees :)

Honey bees - life cycles

Covered in bees.....

Easter Saturday

Thursday night Susannah slept at her friend Melissa's house. Friday night Laurie slept at his friends house in town....he sleeps there a lot. We picked him up at lunchtime today. Then this afternoon Chris's friends Andrew and Emma called and asked if he wanted to head into town and sleep over tonight. TONIGHT!!!!!! WAH!!!! So for the first time EVER he won't be here for the early morning Easter egg hunt this year :(

Sigh :( He says he's growing up and I have to face it :( sigh.......

But I told him we'll pick him up late morning and in the afternoon we're going to have a proper egg hunt outside with the plastic eggs....I said I thought it was too wet but Lloyd says we can stick our welly boots on and go for it - so we're going to fill some plastic eggs tonight and hide them tomorrow in the back field and woods and if we get muddy we get muddy :) it comes from having an early Easter :)

This morning Lloyd and I went into town to pick Laurie up from his sleepover - Lloyd went to Home depot - he has renovated the downstairs bathroom this week - ripped out the shower and is putting in a new wash basin...has put in a new toilet and is putting in a new mirror, painting etc etc and we are putting linoleum throughout the mudroom, repainting etc etc and putting doors on the cupboards etc - we don't liek the terracotta tiles - they just aren't ideal in the mudroom even though you'd think they would be.

While he was in HD he dropped me at Superstore to get a few groceries for tomorrow - fresh vegetables etc I bought myself a new swimsuit as my old one is too big (woohoo) I was disappointed in the clothes in there though - I didn't really like anything they had.....I did find a new garbage can for the downstairs washroom though - in the 'seafoam' colour to match the new handtowels I got for in there. I'm going to paint the walls a 'sand' colour and all the accessories are going to be a watery turquoisey colour.....the toilet, sink and mirror/ cabinet are all white.

Came home and made chocolate crispy 'nests' with mini eggs in them.....the children had a pack of 'peeps' each (marshmallow chicks) I made some mini sausage rolls and a big rhubarb crumble for tonight (which is NOT like a 'crisp')

The girls have made some shrinky-dinks which we baked in the oven and they made into necklaces :) Lloyd was very impressed - I can't believe he never made those as a child - poor deprived child!

Sprite Zero is DISGUSTING!!!!!! I'm going to have to add a LOT of wine to it to make it taste good! Sigh.......

The well out by the vegetable garden is working again - this time last week it was still frozen - now the hose is working which is great because the dogs are back in their run and this means the hose can be used to fill their water tubs.

Our giant pumpkins need to repotted again! They are taking over our house!!!! It's worrying! They are HUGE!!!!

I think we are watching American Gangster or whatever it's called tonight! Lloyd had it for his birthday and we still haven't watched it! His new favourite movie is Enchanted and we've watched it three times already this week :) He's such a girl :) I love that he loves that movie :) I think he was disappointed that Giselle doesn't speak like a Disney princess in real life. I tried to talk like one for him for a day - I lasted all of five's hard to swear in a sweet voice. I can say 'Oh my' until the cows come home but then 'fuck' slips out and it kind of spoils the effect. I think Lloyds dream woman would dress like Giselle and talk like her too. I fail miserably BUT at least I don't clean the toilet with his tooth brush either! And I think singing to him constantly would piss him off after a couple of days :)

Only two days left with Lloyd at home :( Oh my :(

Love According To John

Cheryl - The children all enjoyed seeing Love According to John this week. They saw Thursdays performance! They all recognised a few people but weren't sure where from until I said where you were from ;) Susie said she recognised the person bathing Jesus' feet (??)

It sounds as though it was an amazing performance!

Chocolate nests

Mmmmmmm chocolate nests for Easter! The girls were busy making Easter nests today :) Yummy!

Bee book

Since Bee Movie was released, and since we are all a little obsessed with bees in this house generally, I thought I'd recommend this book! Although Bee Movie is a wonderful book, it is VERY inaccurate where bee's are concerned. If you would like your children to learn about bees and know the correct information, then this book (and the tv show that goes with the book) is a wonderful place to start!

Easter blooms..

Lloyd brought me home some tiny Narcissus an Easter treat. I really miss all the Daffodils from back home - this time of year - in fact normally for weeks by now, gardens have been filled with Daffodils and Crocuses...and Snowdrops....

Here there is nothing.

So it's a real treat to have these teeny tiny signs of Springtime on my kitchen window for Easter :)

unfinished project...

Here is the box I'm working on.....using tissue squares and modpodge (which Lloyd calls fudgepudge....I was inspired by the cupcakes on 'mindless musings' blog.....

I have another layer to do and then I'll embellish the end result.....
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