Nov 23, 2011

wednesday tag....

1. Let's start with something controversial...dressing or stuffing? What's it called at your house and what's included in your recipe...cornbread? oysters? sausage? chestnuts?    I don't know what is in it...I buy a packet of Paxo or something or other and it's lovely - its either Sage and Onion or THyme and Parsley...and its similar to 'Swiss Chalets' stuffing!!  Yum!!

2. Who do you sometimes compare yourself to?   I don't think I compare myself to anyone....but other people say I am like Mrs Weasley from Harry Potter - or Julie Walters the actress who plays her.....

3. When were you last inside an airport? Mid October..early hours of October  16th when we got back from Vegas

4. What is one side dish that absolutely must be included in a turkey dinner?   brussel sprouts.  swede, yorkshire puddings.  horseradish sauce....mmmmm

5. What Christmas song do you dread hearing?   I don't mind any of them really

6. If someone approaches you and asks for money do you give it to them?   depends on my mood and how much I have on me/ time of the month

Do you drop money 'in a tin cup' that belongs to a person on the street?    depends on my mood / how much change I have/ the person/ situation.

Do you have a specific charity you support during the holiday season and/or year round? We sponsor two children through world vision .  I love doing that.  I'm sure it won't be long before my Ex selfishly decides to stop doing it, but for now he still does it and I think it is a lovely thing for the children to do.  I also have a few local charities that I love to support.  The Stollery Hospital.  Youth Emergency Shelter.  A couple of others personal to me.

7. Share a favorite Thanksgiving memory. If you live in a country that doesn't celebrate Thanksgiving share a favorite memory associated with food. I love our family walks every Thanksgiving afternoon to take family pictures.  

8. Insert your own random thought here.   I am tired.  Very VERY tired.  Very grateful for the plumber this morning - what a great guy!

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